Age of Redemption Roleplay

Created by WarCityDriver

In 2025 the US Super Aircraft Carrier Hampton was sunk off the coast of the Mediterranean within Italian National Waters as well as an Italian Missile base in Sicily. While it was not known at the time this incident was an act of terror it was treated as a deliberate attack on both parties involved. As a result of this incident, NATO was disbanded and the EUF (European United Forces) Came into being. On December 20th, 2026 a peace summit was held between the US and the newly formed EUF in hopes to stop the war before it began, also attending the meeting was Russia and China. During the Conference, an American Secret Service agent shot and killed the Russian Diplomat & one of the Chinese guards missed his mark and killed the French Presidents daughter. Within 3 days Russian Troops were storming through the Baltic nations and Poland while the US and EUF navies played cat and mouse in the Atlantic the third World War had begun. Each nation agreed to not use nuclear weapons and only weapons permitted by the Geneva convention resulting in a bloody 40-year long war until June 6th, 2066 when the bombs were unleashed upon the world. In a matter of hours, every place humanity had ever known or loved was destroyed as nuclear fire rained upon the earth, the world was on fire and covered in nuclear radiation… It would seem impossible that anything could Survive…

Yet there is hope, nations had in the years of war built bunkers and places to keep their people safe, in combination with the number of warheads intercepted, and the decrease in number as many were turned into Power Plant cores to battle the energy crisis life survived. The year is 2150 and people have started emerging from their bunkers, caves, and shelters to recolonize the world, the question is will they survive? Will you lead a country to be peaceful and rebuild the world as it was or claw out others’ throats and raid the wastes? Only time will tell in humanity can redeem itself after unleashing **** upon the earth, Welcome to the Age of Redemption.

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